Monday, November 27, 2006 // 8:01 PM
hello everybody(:
i think im the one who still posts regulary.
on wednesday or smth we taking section photo okay?
so those who have cameras pleaseeee bring.
Thursday, November 16, 2006 // 9:47 AM
first of all,
ok done.
First of all,
We've got a new member in the gen 2 section. His name is chua zhi hao.. YAY. *claps claps* (i know i am lame) tolerate laa. haha, ok. Then since he comes into the gen 2 section. Here is wad we need:
zhi hao: pls provide us wif ur birthday
Section: Think of something that suits his surname. like ???? chua.
Second of all,
sexy seng's birthday is this sunday!! You all got any idea wad to buy for him??
after all, he also nv check out this site. so its ok to post ur ideas K???
third of all,
who going ice skating on the 25th?
What you all wanna do in the chalet. I feel that this chalet is gonna cost a Big bomb. FOr the food, the rental, the entertainement(like go escape, bowling)?
so ya, pls say wad you all wanna do, will be planning a time schedule.
k, thats all for now.
p.s. its "J"erm not "G"erm. and huiqin's new name is Singapore ham queen mrs tay kah ping.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Saturday, November 04, 2006 // 1:54 AM
hi guys!
i think your are having ALOT of fun without me right?
the perfect tuning without me,
the less wrong notes without me and
the less AIR sound without me.
anyway,i didn't really buy souvenirs for your,
i bought a lot of sweets for u pple.
so next band prac your have a lot of eating to do!
9/9/06-interaction day
2/9/06-farewell night
2/10/06-huiqin birthday, exams start. XIAN!
10/10/06- EXAMS END!! YAY
11/10/06-Jermain's bday
19/11/06- Weijun's bday
18/12/06-21/12/06- Flute section gen 2 chalet!!
7/1/07- Hilary's bday
9/1/07- Qiyun's bday
17/3/07- Yuhua Exchange
29/5/07-Zhi Hao's bday
22/6/07- Joanne's bday
16/7/07- Amanda's bday
16/8/07- Stacey's bday
1/9/07- Kai ping's bday
11/10/07- Jermain's bday
19/11/07- Wei jun's bday
Sites that have great music!
Zodiac, limits of the lion
Powell flutes
Musart wind orchestra
Official HSCband website
Inspector gadget remix-flute
Stars and stripes forever-piccolo solo
Name, HSC picco-Flautists=D
class, 4E1, 4E5, 3E1, 2E2, 2E5, 2E6, 1E1, 1E2
; The Lame SL- jErMs-
-Air element
-15 years old, 11/10/91
-Kerropi siao
-lame and childish, quite irritating at times
-sit in the middle
-super indecisive
-can settle an argument to everyone's satisfaction
-easy going, like quiet surroundings
-Quite tough, follow own plans
-full of sentiment
-broad minded, tolerant, lenient to others
-detest injustice, cruelty and unfair treatment
-ready to take up arms of those who are wronged
-crave for peace and happy surroundings
-sensitive, affectionate
-courteous, gentle
-see both side of a case
-confusing person
-try hard to please others around him
-imaginative, think too much
-easy going
; The Section's Grandpa- Qiyun and hilary
-Earth element
-Qiyun: 18 years old, 9/1/89
-Hilary: 15 years old, 7/1/92
-Qiyun: Death note( L!), hilary: POOHPOOH!!
-admire competent people
-Does not express her opinion in public
-Ambitious, prepares to take long routes to achieve goals
-Interested in Science
-Unmoved by flattery
-Warmer personality
-Higher hopes in life
-Patient, practical, shy, persistent
-Strong willed
-Very adverse into imparting their thoughts to people
; The Section's Hamster- Mandee=) and joanne
-Water element
-amanda: 15 years old,16/7/91
-Joanne: 13 years old,22/6/93
-Joanne- Anime!! Amanda- hamster!
-worrying type
-Descions can be relied on
-shy, timid
-Anxious over trifles
-Secretive, hesitant
-work hard towards her goals
-hates criticism, lack of understanding takes deep into her hearts
-worry to get old
-have to work hard
-Very good memory
-interested in reminicing
-peace loving, very moddy
; The section's sean potter =p- Wei jun
-water element
-14 years old,19/11/92
-naruto crazy, SEA games crazy
-determined, strong willed
-Very energetic, want most out of his life
-Strong sense of fair play
-Strong personality
-Hates to lose
-CAnnot get anything pass him
-love to impress
-shock ppl of dramatic action
-always know how to conceal their emotions
-eager to defend the weak
-good memory
-outstanding and unique
; The 1 and only Jovial stacey=)
-fire element
-13 years old,16/8/93
-loves books like crazy
-Confident, full of energy
-learns to listen to other people
-defend her friends
-dont like people to lie to her
-very simple and noble person
-direct, open
-serious in her work
-Loves to perform
-advice is good
; Crazy goo goo-Zhi Hao
-air element
-13 years old,29/5/93
-take in information if he really concentrates
-restless, inquisitive
-vivid imaginations
-full of energy one second, the nxt super tired
-attention span quite short
-good company, very witty
-loves to travel
-fair, unbiased
-great sense of humour
-distraceted by new things easily
; Kaiping
-Earth element
-13 years old,1/9/93
-always worried about something
-vary in behavior
-set heart on something
-modest, reserved
-show reluctance to listen to others
-listen to advice, dont act upon it
-slow to forgive
-fond of harmony and elegance
-caustic in their speech
-perpetually finding fault